i juz clean up the hamsty damsty cage and mandikan each and everyone of them. Very cute and cuddly cuma a little tiny miny for me to hug them..aww...im juz able to cococok their tiny fluffy body with my pointy finger~ (^-^)n
right after everything settle, the mother seems to act quite restless and mad. I cant understand hamster as much as i understand cats so i decide to googled em. (easiest way to find answers dun u tink? hihihi). So yea, i get juz what i wanted in one click.
'the first thing about hamster is to let them know and familiarize their surrounding and obviously they all r still shocked with their new environment.'
me: Just gotta giv em sum time to adapt then...
'second is do not force or touch them regularly especially at the stage of introduction.'
me: 'darn it! i juz molested each n everyone of them yesterday...no wonder they hate me!' (>0<)O Anyho, gotta reverse my mistakes!
i didnt touch them ever since and follow the info...
'they need to know ur a friend n not an enemy, do not touch them, start with a little treat. Pass sum through the cage..'
me: owkey...(mira pass one bits kuaci to a hamster)
hamster 1: *sniff sniff*...(took the kuaci with their tiny little finger)
me: (>0<)O waaa!!! comell!!! okokok..tis is positive...next~
'try to put sum treat on ur palm n get ur hand inside the cage, let them hold u with their hands and if theyre comfortable enough, they might just sit on ur palm and play around'
me: (put sum kuaci in my hand then selit inside the cage)
hamster 2: *sniff2*...(gigit)
me: Ouch!! (>-<)n SAKITT!!!!
hamter 3: (hop on mira's hand n comfortably sit on it sambil munch one kuaci)
me: OMG OMG OMG!!!!
5 minutes later
(4 hamsters chillin on mira's palm)
me: (*0*) IM SO HAPPY!!! THEY LOVE MEEE!!! WAAA!!!!
p/s: ow man, i cnt get too closely attach with this little cuddly creature or else, i might end up crying havin to giv them back to their real mother... (T-T)
but im already so in love with them!!
(one hamster grip mira's finger n look at her)
WaaaAa!!! I LOVE YOU TOOOO!!! \(ToT)/
the end
gemokkk nye hamster!becareful dengan hamster.die suka gigit and kencing merata!
beware that die bile bile je hilangkan diri.hoho :D
uuuu~ jgn ckp cmtu...hamster org ni...*risau* ><
haha.jaga la.die kan kecik so suke hilang.my hamster oenah hilang 2 minggu lepas tu jumpe balik :p
bole de idup sendri 2 minggu ea? xpe r kalo xde bela kucin ok laa kot~
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