Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NEW LAYOUT!!! \(^0^)/

as u cn see people, i have change my layout due to the new year's vibe...

i wanted my dear dot bloggie to feel da same way~

brand new and excited bout the upcoming experince she'll encounter with my new stories to tell q(>0<)p

i used to love these dramatic black red white purple colors....and i still do...

but i realize tht i have limit myself with a lot of colors created in the WORLDDdddd with wide scoping tone for each and every basic colors!!! (>0<)O

and thres a fren of mine kinda pop my eyes with a knife (OUCH!)

and wake me up from the fact tht i shud be grateful for being able to see such wonderful colors in front of me...

and appreciate the beauty of colorssss~~~!!!

q(^0^)p yipeeeEe!! appreciate appreciate appreciateeee~~~

some people might not get the chance the see tis beauty...so be grateful, mira (>0<)O


instead of juz stickin my old 2009 self with such dull safe colors, i have decided to EXPLOREEEEEEEEEE and EXPOOSEEEEEEEE myself and add MORE colors in MY LIFEEE!!!!

weehuUUuu!!! so it explains a lot at my new layout~ (^0^)/

every element in the picture is about me~

u cn see the two happy and sad clouds resembles my mood swings...

and the sun shows my strenght to face the world!! (>0<)O yeah yeahh!!

and the diary represent this blog,

guitar pick wit printed poring thre is my personal trademrk,
(poring is a cute monster character ive taken from an online game 'Ragnarok')

music notes and guitar is my passion towards music

the rainbow shows my enthusiastic to explore new bright colors in life. (^-^)/

you kno sunny days represent happy and cheerful...

threfore, without feelin embarassed to humiliate myself, i put on that sunflower costume at my face to show my happiness and cheefulness in life~! (:p)

the cute bunny pen thre is my current valuable present from a very special friend~ (^-^)>

the grass repesent REALITY and thre r a circle portion of the grass which are brighter which define as life~ it gives life to reality gitu-gitu~! cheewahhh!! ~(^0^)~

last but not least is the name of my der bloggie here..'DOT'


for my next post i will tell u guys the history of the name 'DOT'...(it was extreme stupid actually, juz as an explaintain for my great great and GREAT blog fans which some very bising

n said tht my blog's name was a tiny dot n it makes them difficult to realize it...see it...clickon it...point on it...AHAHA~! wutever guys, i'll explain later...

threfore people, do feel apprecited with my ner COLORFUL layout!

may it reflects cheerfulness in ur life as well

p/s: it took me for 5 hour straight to do tis yesterdy and i havent touch my working drawing (--__--")

and a BIG APPRECIATION to my dear friend fairuz geniuz who helped me sort the distorted arrangement in my layout.. (^0^)/ tq tq tqqq~~~

the end


donad said...

gaya citer mcm nk present project je mirra ni.saye tersaiko. =.="

Myra Tayeb said...


agak a~

:p 'blek'

p/s: perah otak x hengat!