Just came back from kaedfest...
Well2. that was actually my original plan coz Ive been involved with kaedfest every year. But the online promotion was a little lacky and I couldnt figured what was ongoing fest there.
So. I went there to check it out with a friend. But it took me less than an hour to observe the whole carnival coz I basically exchanging top news and updates with her.
Things have changed. People change. The whole IIUM change. The smell, the heat, the crowd, etc etc.
It feels so different!!!
And I miss the old times. The usual times. The myratayeb time.
Why does the time dick so fast?!
waidaminit! did i said dick? haha~
i mean tick..ehem2~
the end
I was thinkinv of going tapi tak promote2 sgt pun... :\ i rmmbr dulu mcm promote gila babiii punya ajak uni lain semua datang...tp.ni mcm senyappp je..
very true...mcm x meriah sgt except for the stall area kt baiduri...meriah gak a kt sne~
told u earlier that kaed,uia semua dah x sama macam dulu..sebab kawan kawan kite ramai dah takde kt sini.sedihhh T.T
yea..nad...i know...sedih kan~ T-T
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