Saturday, May 8, 2010


ok...once i knew about the flashmob glee through some guy's blog...i knew i was meant to be a part of the programme... GLEE KOWT!!!

ehem ehem...control control...jgn excited sgt...

last night i was struggling to hafal the choreograph and it took me bout 2hours to cover the moves (despite being scream out by *******)

i ws so excited bout the plan, i sleep very well and woke up for subuh and straight away drive to kedai mamak n had our early roti canai breakfast...

aftr doin my final personal rehersal kat rumah in front of my loyal reflection...da puas hati....zwooshhh~ drive to mid!!

skip skip SKIP!

it show time baby!!!

the kids started the gimic by doin a performance n the othr undercover dancers were acting as an audience!!!

then aftr the performance ends tetiber klua our music n we all screammm n get in position...tyme ni mmg bnyk giler camera dtg approach n people from each level tgk from above cm sardin dlm tin...!!

one sw camera approach me n i get all excited with the attention n went dancing enthusiastically!!! im so happy!!! (^0^)/

tis is one of the greatest experience in my life...


-the end-


V said...

hebabb!! well done!

maryamHmz said...

missed it huhuhuhu ade kerja at the time. even though dah pergi all the rehearsals :(

Myra Tayeb said...

ruginya~~~ (>0<)/~