Thursday, February 10, 2011

my new friend!!!! XD


eksaitedd gilerrr!!

actually tiz morning I was browsing thru frenz's facebook pictures and terpaku tgk gamba kura2...yess...a pet...and mira have been wondering apa taw...

since i lost my dear pelik. Deep inside i feel akwardly empty. Mira x penah hidop without a pet. MY WHOLE LIFE ive been petting animals! petpetPETTT!! *jgn pikir laen*

ckp je a apa2! smua penah bela! *tipu giler*

1. kucing
2. hamster
3. semut
4. kumbang
5. burung

(tu je) (--__--")

ANYWAYS! my point is...

my life x penah, bila balik rumah je...xde sape nak belai and bermanja2 or even tmpt luahkan perasaan...

(suke giler luah perasaan kat pelik aka my cat dlu, sebab dier mcm dengarrr je and AND AND!!! the best part is...DIER X BOLE RESPON!!! HAHAHAHA!!! <---kejam giler)

ehem...anyways...back to the story...

mira suddenly decide nak bela a pet. a good replacement. I cant keep hanging kat pelik...shes gone...kannn?

so, mira truz msg mommy and ask permission. She said as long as x menyusahkan hidop dier and tak cost her a bunch of penny, she'd agree!

i mean, helooo! kura2 is like...

1. murah giler
2. x makan banyak (food dier pon murah)
3. juz spend once for the aquarium and additional decoration
4. ber** and kencin** dier mcm air koto je! its like...u cn juz flush it off and tuka air baru!

WALAH!!!!!! PERFECT SGT FOR A PET!!! \(>0<)/ hunga hunga hunga! *eksaited*

so petang tu jugak mira ajak my dearest temankan beli one kura2 (and since dier ad bela jgk, i tink hes a goood companion!)....time tu dlm otak dah pikir nama....i want everythin to be PERFECT! and he new friend...

WASABI! (applause) y wasabi? becoz.....hes GREEN and....HOT! (mcm mama dier...tak ke? *angkt kening seblah+ senyum senget)

a good setting aite!

top view! cengkerang dier cntik PLIZ! one of the best!!! and i will always pick THE BEST!

camera friendly! dier statik je time nak snap ni! how cute is tht people!!! (--_--") *plz layan mira, dier tgh eksaited ni*

bagi dier dgr my favourite music! i juz hope he cud take tis time to know me~ (^0^)/ (ur mommy mira is crazy with her music, wasabi!) *cobit pipi dier!*

and yes! i spend 10 minutes to make him a good land caged playground! (pakai bod) and tht tiny bell is his first toy! *kick the bell, wasabi! kickkK!!!* cute giler! he look so small in that 144m2 cage i made~ (^^)

p/s: so now..shoh! let me play with him alone! xley kasi too much public expose...hes still a baby~

the end!

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