Monday, February 14, 2011

sedih :'(


hari ni mira tensen.

pagi2 kat studio dah kena attack dgn mdm.

here it is people, our potential failure student....MIRA!!

(T-T) juz exagerating the scene but it feels like it.

Mira tau she wanted to be direct and all but dia dah ckp da before during the consultation session. Isnt it spose to be a confidential discussion.

Does she had to do that..i front of everybody?

Plus, she was criticizing my half thoughful first crit design. I knew it was suck at the first place. Blame mira sbb x buat any further development.

yeee...yeee...mira terlampau berpoya2 aftrwards. And i wasnt a bit pon ready for the consultation tht morning....mmm....

mungkin tengah dtg bulan ni, emosi sensitif sket. And mira mmg ske telan masalah smpi dah jadi sebesar bulan baru nak spit it out. And i m really spitting it out now.

mira nangis truk giler.

Then, i juz wipe away those tears and start everything fresh balik.

Mira rasa manusia ni jatuh for a reason. untuk jadi lebih baik and stronger in the future. But individually, people ada level of strengh yg berbeza. ada yang makin jatuh and ader yg makin naik. Mira harap sgt mira dlm kelompok yg makin develop.

as a person...better one.

klau mira tak ikutkan perasaan...(where gurls usually do), my personal evaluation,

mdm niat dier baik, she wanted me to push myself to the limit and work harder. Klau ckp diri sndiri prblem-less tu mmg bongkak sgt la. mmg mira ada masalah. and based on her experience, she is sensing it...

well i do. Setiap semester mmg mira mcm ni. slow giler develop design but i knew at one point ill be there. siap has always been tht way.

its juz tht now mira kena sedar, lecturers dont follow our pace, we follow them. And now i juz have to blast off my comfort zone and follow mdm's rythm. only then if i wanted to berjaya n get good grades...(cnt deny tht shes the one evaluating my final performance later)

haih~ this is pressuring...and now my dear wasabi buat hal.

pagi tadi he was acting all cute and manja and first time mira tgk dier makan. suddenly after depressingly balik dr studio, dier lemah giler and barely move.

(T-T) two stones pop into the river creating bigger waves....

*mira brokedown*

p/s: semester ni have been the toughest for strong, mira~

the end

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