Saturday, December 13, 2008

cleaning time...

hello guys...(^0^)n

my guitar dah lamer x mandi...

shes very dirty...

so, today...i clean her up...huhu...

ur guitar can act very unusual if u didnt clean or take care of them well get best results and performance from ur guitar, u shld at least clean them up once a month...(-0-)l

Rose (my guitar's name): very true...when im dirty..i feel very i tend to merajuk. But, Alhamdulillah (cheewah...), mira took care of me very well even tho theres a few scratches on me...huhu

mira: nhhh!!! ur being too nice, rose!!!

. . . shuish* shuish* (daun berterbangan)

ANYWAYZ!!! (>o<)O

cleanin guitar takes time, tho....

1. baca bismillah
2. i prepare da stuff which is...

guitar cleaner of course

tooth brush and a cloth

3. Ok! (-0^) i start by sprayin da cleaner throughout my guitar
(strings, frets, body, back, hand, smua la)
4. Then, i use cloth to wipe (for better shiny quality results, i use newspaper instead)
5. Next, the difficult part which is...

this part are being blocked by da slalu kunpul at tis area...

so, here, i use my old tooth brush to scrub da dirt off....

TADAA!!! shing* shing* ahh! pedih mata! SGT BERKILAT!!! woohh waahhh! n(>0<)n

6. Finally, i put my guitar nicely in her sleepin bag wit my 'Moo Moo' so she wont feel lonely...hihi m(^-^)m

p/s: while doin tis, it is advisable for u to say gud things to ur can make them 'rose, im sure ur gonna look extra beauty aftr tis' or 'im damn grateful to hav u'...HOHO...

THE END! (^-^)v

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

moo moo and guitar tak idup:-)