Thursday, June 4, 2009

loosen UP, mira! ><

Dang! I haven’t went back home for 2 weeks and its gonna be another 3 if I dun go back home tis week. I have to go back TODAY no matter WHAT! (>0<)n

but, mira. how bout ur floor plan design and workshop performance training tonite?

Argh!!!! Im like 15 minutes away from my hometown, nak singgah sekejap jew and manja2 with my family….plz pretty plz plz plzzzzz PUH-LEEEZZZZZZZ!!!!!!

one gotta be put on risk to achieve another! (narrator’s voice)

RIGHT!!!! (>0<)d

‘lalalalala, I have floor plan to design but here I am on my way back to c mami n aya (drive balik)

lalalalala, I have training tonite but here I am on my way to c mami n ayah~
(tht nite)

me: HAHAHAHHAHA!!! seriously!!! giler lawakkkk!!! (excitingly exchange stories)
trut trut (msg tone)
me: hmm…’mira, dtg studio cpt! we hav a lot of stuff to do today~’

tht nite, I sleep at 4 am to settle the floor plan design. n the msg tone again woke me up at 9 am n it says ‘mira, kita dtg studio pagi ni and bwk kostum smua for d shooting~

me: DEM!!! I cnt stand tis neglection duty anymore!!! (>0<) mami, ayah, I luv u guys but I gtg back NOW! gotta get back in track!

rush rush rush RUSHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (drive ASAP)

‘pon! pon!!!!! here I am drifting hard to get back on track!

as I reach the studio

‘nyit nyit nyit…’

no one was there…..(-_-)’


p/s: I realized I alwys get myself panic and end up it was jz sumthin u cn lay ur back n relax… I really ned to loosen up!! (>0<)n


lisa lisa said...

jajajaja cakap ngan ibu ari tu ngah balik tade paper pon sbnarnya

best best

V said...



[aku gaye serius...ko gaye berjalan pantas yang pelik..macam yang biase2 ko lakukan tuh...hahahagagaga]

Myra Tayeb said...

lisa lisa: diam la long!!!! (>0<)n

V: pai!!!! kiter menang!!! yay! yay!!!!!

p/s: ko serius? (-_-)"

V said...

yepp..aku serius nih..datang studio aku mlm nih!!

[huu...bosannnn laa...ko ade blajo tarian ape lagi?? buleh ajo aku]

Myra Tayeb said...

tarian india~ HUA HUA HUA