My electric guitar dah broke for months and bru yesterday i find it the perfect tyme utk pegi hantar repair my baby here...
so now she's brand A-OWKEY!! b(^0^)d
since i cnt bring tis baby to uia, the only quaality tyme i could actually embrace its expensive electric sound is on weekends and special holidays...(minus the holidy activities)
so yess, basically im trying out new songs...i bearly had any progress lately...ive been playing around with the average melody and nothin has been put at risk or either way, not challenging enuff...
got to get back on track and practise MORE~
future plan
usually i listed down my future plan every end of the year, but the system dont work tht way for next year encounter starts next month, so ive been thinking bout my future plans already~ (^0^)>
- do well for my final year designs and theory classses - practical working experience~ - continue my Part 2 overseas~ - working experience there for a couple of years or so - get married and contributing my working skills at my own country
haha~! THERE! my future plan... i know its not easy to achieve, but for now, im quite aware with my target. i have something to push me inside to work even harder on the outside...
i juz hope its either a good achievement, or BETTER...
(praying hard)
p/s: mari rmi2 meriahkan archidex open for public and students on saturday and sunday~ come on architecture students!~ what r u waiting forr???
for this holiday, i wanted to pump up something from within me...
yes, i wanna be positive!
i see myself having bad thoughts all the tyme and it kills me inside!!!
its not GOOD people!! (>0<)O (-_-) tarik nafasss... (-0-) lepass... 'ok, here goes...~' positive 1
you see, i keep on nagging bout my unfair life as a child, but the fact is, my parents still provide me wit enuff food, clothes, money, education and love~ and i juz have to accept tht its not easy to keep a pace of being justice among us siblings~ rite?
positive 2
i know doin house chores is tiring but y shud i expect other people while i was the only one who's capable of doin it? my sister's bz with her new work schouze and my brother is basically being a normal guy n my parents work half a day!!! if i wan my family and myself to live in a healthy environment, i shud be happy doing it... rite?
positive 3
i might think im having such friendship melodrama but the fact is, there re people out there who accept me for who i am and have been such a good friend to me...i shud cherished them instead of jeopardizing my brain with the one who aint worth a care... and a friendship without a fight isnt a friendship~ kannn???
positive 4
this holiday is NOT a boredom for me~ its MY best chance to hav a good quality tyme with my family and friends and of course for this architecture brain to have enuff rest and sleep before encountering the next semester workout~
'THERE! tht wasnt so bad....kan kan? hihihihi~ its a good start~ (^-^)>
Feeling that is so unpredictable, people could do anything beyond my humanly imagination for love...
love could cut the odds and crosses many limits...
I believe love is always there for everyone...
Waiting for the perfect time to bloom...
For Allah knows best, for He had created people in pairs or other words in two…
For what I have learn,
love is not a missing treasure...
A tough hunting to be search and explore...
Instead, it is a priceless gift from within,
that will appear in you as it is said to reveal…
p/s: after re-wtching 'Love Shuffle', i am blessed with love thoughts and pure happiness~ (^-^)> awww
i cant believe the seniors are graduating already...and they are leaving one by one...literally, leaving me behind~
i might probably displaying my worst sincerity, but i can never say more truthfulness how much im gonna miss them...
They've change my life, they hav change part of my perspectives, and to be honest, they make me love ARCHITECTURE even more...
im not the type who hang around with seniors at school and i never will....(is what i thought)
Im just too shy to go bust around their world and prefer to hang on to my own year crowds instead and i feel safer but...
RUMI has change me...
the truth is, when i knew bout my selection, i was a little frustrated coz im not any close with any of the other selected student in my own batch especially the SENIORS...honestly! imagining myself being with em for another months or so creeps me out! (>~<)>
'will they like me?'
'what am i gonna say?'
etc, etc...
but later, things werent as bad as i imagine, instead it has turn the table to something so amazing and yess! it was one of the best moments in my life...!!!
the kakak were so sisterly amazing~ i can never forget bout them~
kak paah always help me out with printings and i will never forget 'Hiro'...her chubbiest hamsters!! (>0<)O dulu slalu kacaw hiro..tsk tsk...
kak mimi, my other side~ ow, im gonna miss her so muchh!!! my gossip sister~ (^-^)> i love to hear you talk n i bet im gonna miss you for that!!
kak elmi so funny~!!
kak farah n her hamstersSSss!!!!! banyka banyakkk!!!! huhuhuu! mis yaaa!!!
kak jah help me a lot with my working drawing and im gonna treasure her knowledge (and equipment) as much as she treasure hers... tq kak jah for everything... u taught me well~ (^-^)>
(ok dah stat rs sedih...)
kak qil, it was cool to hangout wit u... im gonna miss you too!! o---(>-<)----o *huggieee* and
kak nab cantik....huhuhu...miss you too! XD
not to forget abang2 yg sgt kelakar!!
pai...i can never tell you how much i appreciate knowing u as my senior and my true friend... u help me in a lot of ways and i am so embarrass to have burden you with so much of my troubles... you were always there for me and i can never EVER forget you...
(alamak the guys mcm rmi sgt but ill mention names)
SMUAAA LAa!!!! (i cnt cntinue nemore coz tis makes me so sad..)
(T-T) im truly sorry if i ever hurt your feelings and say things tht i shudnt...i wasnt sombong after rumi but i ws extreme shy...but in my heart, i will never forget all of you...coz u have cherished me with such wonderful memories inside out...
today i have attended one of the greatest wedding everrr in my whole entire lyfe!
as a matter of fact, i happen to be 'tuan rumah' for this wedding!!! V(>0<)v
PLUS, i dont have to go preaching my head bout what to wear coz i was given a special baju kurung and i called it as 'baju kurung OHANAAAA!!!!'
and yes, we look like a group of nasyid members...smua baju samer...haha XD
but it was fun tho~ and again, theres four VIP tables for the japanese embassy and families
and YES, one of the table was unoccupied until the end of the event and later i get soo agitated to go snatch the well served sushi!!!
(>0<)O GIMME THE SUSHIIIii!!!!!! <----monolog
*giv eye signal to my big cousin* 'plz, cn i eat em~~* \(*-*)/
and tht expensive nod from him really brighten my day!! (even tho for the past 30 minutes i juz balun one whole pinggan of nasi minyak)
OHOY!!!!! come on sushi loversssss, ATTACKKKkkkkKK!!!!!!!!! (>0<)O
(the best thing izzzz, out of alllll the family members, only 4 of us whos crazy with sushi and the table is for 10!!!! OMG!!! and its all for freeee!!! and there like dozens of salmon!!!)
ohayou people! (^0^)n (even tho its already afternoon)
today im gonna tell u a stopid story yet wud clear off a lot of people's cloudy wonders in their mind why on earth i name my blog as tis teeny tiny 'dot'
finally i had the mood to tell it off...
it was really stoopid actually, i cn assure you tht...
earlier newbiez moment of my lyfe blogging, i started customizing my blog. From the header, foot, the blog list, my profile to naming my blog, obviously~
so i start the crack by photoshopping the header with my dream blog's name which is bloggie bum gum in one jpeg file~
and then when i uploaded the header onto my very own blogspot, it looks fantastic and i love it extreme!!! b(>0<)d
and then i realize from my profile tht i hadnt name my blog just yet, so i type 'bloggie bum gum'
walah! here comes the problem~
apparently....the 'bloggie bum gum' not-my-style font overlapping my header thus covering the beauty of my personal designated header!! (>0<)O
i try to make it invinsible but i dont know how? i ws to embarass to ask such pathetic question tht until now, i still dont know how to make the name un-displayed on the header...
so...yess...i decide to put a 'dot' merely to fulfill the naming requirement but as a matter of fact that one pathetic dot was barely visible on the header...
if ur eyes r shrp enuff to realize that theres a tiny winy dot on the header and yes it doesnt affect my header's appearance at all!! kannn??? hahahhahaha XD
im so geniusss!!!! (and stopid at da same tyme) (=_=")
so~ THE end~ >;p
p/s: told ya it was juz a stopid story~ tihihihi XD
obviously seen, i have change my templates...again~
i think my previous background was to eye aching and its not quite reader friendly~
so i decide to apply much comforting color to create such comforting reading mode~ hihihi XD
it took me the whole week to compose one simple yet meaningful headers and colors in my mind, i juz hope you guys like it tho~ (^-^)>
ok, put an end to the new image, i wanna share with u guys bout 'disturbancy'
i always have this personal problem whereas...
id get very angry when people wud bust me off while i was focusing on sumthing...
u kno why?
becoz while i was concentrating on doin sumthing, my mind was actually playing around with lots and lots of continuos ideas and when you go pop off those ideas, itll eventually GONE and the pleasuring and passion of exploring bout it wont be the same nemore when i try to get into focus again...
its just not the same!!!
and its fishy annoying!!! (>0<)O
for example haaa,
i was composing this new image, and suddenly my sister goes like 'hey, i wanna use the laptop for 10 minutes!' and she go push you off the seat and do her stuff without even considering what i was working on'
while i was excitedly making a new melody for my new song and suddenly mommy came screaming at my face and ask me to do the laundry and buy her bawang and a dozens of telur...
can you understand?
it really bugs me people when situation like this happen. And im really sorry if i ever get grumpy and all tense up, becoz to me, its a HUGE lost when you go pop off the bubbles in my mind coz its totally pricelesss!!!
if i ask you to give me back my passionate memory, what cud u possibly give me?
so, plz do respect me sumtimes while i was in a middle of sumthing. Who knows i might be on the way of creating a work of art but it got destroyed by ur seconds of imagination destruction i called it 'disturbancy'!!! v(>0<)V
due to MY special case extend submission assignment, i had to face facebook status and went through a bunch of people's blog storying bout their holistic holiday!!! and YES i am extremely tense having to face the situation!! (>0<)O *even tho its not ur fault*
and finally i could take a deep breath of relief, the submission was finally over and i get a hold of my HOLIDAY at last!!! yihaaa!!! im gonna be a 3rd year student nex sem!!! i cant believe it!!! my final part 1 degree...phew baby! how time flyies!!!
(=0=)n chill mira chill~ still a long way to go...2 more semester and later heritage study to be covered~
mira: oh....yes...tht...ugh~ m(x_x)m
i might juz rest my case for a while and feel the joy and pleasure of cohty cohty uia!!!
UIYAA!!! V(>0<)v
basically s usual, i spend most of the tyme with my family (and pelik),
my brother is finishing his 2 months preparation to mesir...
my sister juz got a job and she'll start working this friday~
my parents is happy that were home, theyre not home alone nemoreee plus the girls get to help mommy do the house chores and dishes~ (^0-)d
recently i went to the vet to checkout pelik's health condition and it cost me like rm70 for 3 medz she gave...(quite reasonable i guess)
and then pasal pelik xley pregnant becoz of her major flu...
and shes pregnant now so me and kak long decide to tke care of pelik and her baby and cross our fingers and hope pelik's baby kali ni is safe and aliveeee~!
becoz, we want to have pelik junior in the future!!! yesss...thts our plan...
mommy: NOooooo!! moooreeee catttsss in the houuuseee!!
phew...akhirnya tamat sudah my once in a lifetime journey to ukm architecture workshop 2010!!!!!! \(>0<)/ woohOooo!!! im so happyyy!!!! the workshop, module, activity, food, the crowd was superbbb!!! (>0<)d
UIA did a wonderful job and took part successfully in every competition!!!
semangat UIA mmg tak terlawan liaoo!! UIYA UIYAA!!!
heres the list of our award winning
video- kuala kangsar heritage (first place) 'listen' by ain/mai/shye/wani/wewe (3rd place)
sound essay- saddiq acop
inprompt photo- zahirah/yaah (first place)
photography- (anonymous)
fashion- UIA (first place)
performance- UIA oldies busker (3rd place)
we won total of 8 awards!!!
and of coz, im happy with my fashion department! we do hav some little conflicts in decision making, kepala tiga org, citarasa fesyen smua lain2...
nana cukup open utk terima idea giler sy nak buat ala2 presentation yg suram n traditional...effect make up and music mmg click! saya sukaaa!!!
music editing, kepak tu naik melecet tangan saya dok lilit the whole rangka...but alhamdulillah again, it turns out fantastic!! mendpt bonus di nak menangis biler tawu menang sbb serius x sangka!! smuanya gempaq2!!
last minit sempat plak decide nak letak hulubalang! haha! XD sj jer nak kasi extra gimik compare to other university...
last but not least i wanna thank nana for helping me out with the design, we both work really hard together from the scratch...special thank to kak fiza, mai and syud...diorg jugak membantu~
dr process membeli kain, drive ke sana sini cri brg2 and tempurung, process tempurung mmg bnyk!, google cara2 draw template jacket, jahit and siap jadi satu unit, detailing, kepak...phew...smua pengalaman tu terngiang ngaing kt kepala...
p/s: saya tetap syg awak walaupun kdg2 awak buat saya sedih...sbb awak kawan saya...marilah kita sama2 saling nasihat menasihati dengan cara yang lebih tenang...
awak tawu x aper maksud 'meh meh kiter bawak berbincg'?
haaa...mesti awak tak tawukan...sebab setiap kali saya nak stat bukak point saya, awak tak pernah nak dengar instead awak anggap benda yg saya buat ni adalah satu benda yang merosakkan suasana/keadaan...
tapi kan awak, saya rasa lagi goyah lagi biler awak pendam semua benda yang awak tak puas hati dengan saya lepas tu tiber2 nak ungkit semua benda dalam satu masa...ungkit benda2 yang saya tak tahu menahu pon awak terasa hati...
kan lebih baik klau awak bgitau jer awak tak suke masa tu...apa susah sangat? kiter kan kawan...
sebab kawan jugak la saya tak segan silu nak tegur awak klau ader ape2 yg saya tak puas hati...
kalau silap, betulkan la hujah saya..., apa yg saya ckp ni based on observation...
awak tak perlu nak berdalih ataupun nak cover point saya dengan kebaikan yang awak dah buat kat saya selama ni sebab saya tawu, kiter masing2 buat banyak kebaikan antara satu sama lain...
tak perlulah awak nak pin point...tahap keikhlasan awk nmpk sgt ketara rendahnya biler awk buat mcm tu...
saya tawu awak lg selesa diamkan benda ni pastu biarkan everything turn to dust n lupakan...tapi saya tak percaya la awak ni jenis yg senang lupa...sbb kan awak...awak ungkit ungkit kt saya biler marah tu...uish....dasyat betul...mencucuk hati lara...
saya tak ckp pn saya betul, and saya dah agak letih la dengar awak ckp saya sibuk blame org lain...saya cuma memberi hujah ketidakpuasan hati saya at tht current moment...saya fikir...ntah awak paham ker tak mksd blame org ni aper...
blame org ni yg suke salahkan org lain tpi x nmpk kesalahan sendiri...klau awak fikirkan, saya ni suka blame awak ker kt smua perkara? saya bersuara ni pon kdg2 jer awakkk...alahaiii...klau la saya x nmpk kesalahan sendiri...kenapa tak ckp jer dgn sayaaa??? lepas tu biler saya yg jadi pihak bersuara, awak nak marah2...ckp saya ni suke blame org...
adil ke mcm tu?
saya tanya awak ni...smua org buat silap kan?...smua org tak perfect kan?...klau saya rasa awak buat sesuatu yg saya tak senang, saya bgitau la...saya bukannya blame awak membabi buta, and klau awak refresh balik msg yg saya kasi tu, smuanya ader point dan bukti...betul x?
kdg2...kiter tak nmpk kesalahan sendiri..itu perlunya sahabat...
klau saya ader buat salah, awak ckp jer dgn saya, saya cuba berubah...tapi awak tak pernah nak ckp...biler keadaan dh jadi buruk, baru la nak tembak saya dgn mcm2 kesalahan saya yg lalu...
ok...saya dah bebel panjang...hati pn makin tenang skrg...saya tawu buat blog mcm ni tak adil utk awak sbb takder komunikasi dua hala...anggap jer ni utk rujukan saya sndiri...
my cousin juz got married and theyre flying to london for a co-romantic honey moon with the whole family... ya'a...
basically im strangling myself with a time bomb machine tht would explode any minute now...oh yess...preparing real tuff for the leaving this week!!!
omg omg omg!! how time flies baby~! (>0<)O our performance practise went well, everyone work really hard to make the move as sharp and smooth as possible...the tense were piling up among us especially our choreographer, neshy henry gorman salvato rico...(bukan nama sebenar)
these several days ive been busying myself to settle up my scope in fashion. the inner part and the jacket is basically 70% done... a little more touchup to settle the whole dress and equip with minor accesories of coz...dah dapat the floor plan of the runaway stage yesterday...hurm..everything gotta b done ASAP!!!
anddddd for the performance attire...bru beli a cute white purish blouse yesterday..(akward) and tmrow nak g survey for the skirts and i can juz snatch mommy's white tudung...SETTLE!
my fourio buddies were very rarely present before me, so im kinda lost cntct with least for now...everyone seems very busy with their own personal sad?...probably...
yang's not gonna make it for d performance...ilham im nt sure..arina don wanna go there my dearest fourio might not be there supproting me...(T-T)> sedih~
xper pressure u guys..
i have been ponteng-ing my unggas class becoz of my disastrous sleeping pattern...
and my CAD3D dont even budge...i bearly touch my i am basically left a thousand miles behind from the other students...(kill me)
anyho people, the long hard working moments...wish me all the best~
dier slalu tegur insan lain, tapi biler org tegur dier, dier buat pekak jer...
pastu respect ak kat org ni pon makin lama makin lusuh...
mintak maaf la klau semua benda kaw ckp ak mcm tak boley terima...
sebab ak rasa smua benda yg kaw smpikan sekadar menyampai...
and communication kiter satu hala jer...
ak x tawu la kaw mcmane kan...
tapi klau kiter saling menasihati and menerima kan lebih baik...
ak cuber amik input baik kaw, kaw cube amik input baik ak...
ak kesian kat kaw...
ak nampak effort kaw nak berdakwah tu...seriously...
tapi cara kaw sgt la tak menyenangkan ak...
p/s: klau kaw perasan la kan, ak slalu kerek dgn kaw, sbb respect ak kt kaw da hilang...maafkan ak..mungkin biler kaw tjk sikit perubahan, terima nasihat org lain n praktikkan ape yg kaw tuturkan kt sasi basi telinga org, pandangan ak kt kaw mungkin berubah...