i am well aware with the numbers of monkeys increasing in mahalah asma but i never expect to encounter them by myself, all alone in my room!!!!
OMG!!!! my hands still shaking!!!
i was half asleep becoz of the excruciatingly hot weather...i cn never sleep to dreams... i so fudging sweating and HOT!!!!
my window was wide open...! (ventilation la konon but hot winds were comin in instead and M******)
luckily i turn down my blind thingy!!!
tis one huge monkey was very clever putting down the blind to checkout MY room while I was sleeping!!!!
and that shickering sound woke me up and thre it was...two red brownish eyes, middle age body, greying to black tone body, little fingers holding the blind....scanning my whole room, acting like a fellow trying to saman me....
while he (i tink hes a guy) was scanning, i was shocked and spontaniously jump out my bed and without tinking much i acted juz like that girl name Neytiri from the avatar when she was fighting off that little black beast saving tht newbiez (Jake Sully) dude...
im so acting one like her and the monkey responded the same way but i didnt gav up
i scream at his face violently, beastly, terrifyingly as i cud acted to frighten him up...
and he went away....
i was like 'phew...go mira..ur the beast...
while i ws happily celebrating my bravery act...
suddenly my blind thingy makes another loud sound...
and when i looked at the window, there were TWO FUDGING MONKEYS STARING AT ME!!!!
and i quickly ran to the hall n grab the broomstick and i BANG!!!!!! my loker juz to make the fussy shocking soound!!!!
again i make tht Na'vi-like pose and expression to juz shoohhhh them away while i whole body is starting to trembling quietly.....
after 3 minutes of fighting, they finally gave up....and ran away...
without wastin much tyme, i dashed towards the window n quickly closed it tight n i swear to myself never to let the window open tht wide EVER!!! especially when ur all alone in ur room!! may i say...mahalah!!
if anythin happen to me juz now i juz dont kno who to call coz theres no one here in my block...
im so grateful tht everythin is alright...
phew...pffFf...monkeys~ *roll eyes*
p/s: thx avatar
the end
aikk?? biler ni? tadi ke? nape u balik uia?
tak takut ke duduk uia soraang soraaang?
tu laa, bukak tingkap lagi~ biler korang balik ke ape i salu tutup tingkap yang and ham and urs (sometimess) becoz i think its dangerous to bukak mcm tu je altho we're on 4th floor.
i always bukak tingkap when im in the room and close it before pegi class heee.. =) contohilah saya!
nice avatar scene....;p.....but mira I think u shud say some word to that particular guy(monkey)..... ''You like baby".....I think neytiri saying that to jake sully after fight with pandora dog....ahahaha ;p
haha..beruk 2 ske ko dowh..hahahaha
the monkeys is not jake sully...they are pandora dog...(>0<)O totally not a baby..
p/s: plz do state ur name mr anonymous... (^-^)n
ina: bile ms plak kitorg balik n u stil in uia? i ws always the last person to leave uia n the first to come back...(-__-")
anyways pasal totop tingkp tu yes..i shud contohi u...i juz wan a good ventilation coz my rom is fudging HOT!!!! argh!!
min: yeaa..diorg ske ak...yipeee~ hrp2 diorg jgn la ggu ak lg esok2...aak da reject giler babeng da td~
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