wheres my notes…
ha! ere it is….!
(flip flip flip)
(turn head to the left, looking outside the window)
waaa…cantiknya awan!!! (easily get distracted)
huhu….! (0o0)/
EKK!! wats tiss??!
there a tiny insect’s house sort of thingy sticking on the window glass…
It wasn’t there yesterday…im sure id seen it if it was there!
hmmmm….(observe observe)
waaa…theres a mommy insect and the babies…it looks like small maggots, tho…
‘bbbzbbzzzzbzbzbzzzzzz’ (the mommy fly away…searchin for food, I guess)
I dun like insects…sorry…had to kill u guys b4 ur mother came flying bck…
so, I took my blade and screwed and cut away the tiny insect’s house
ops! (one of the baby fell…)
while the other one survive…
OMG…! I don’t know its either me or my ridiculous imagination…
I tink I saw that surviver tiny baby looking at me…(0o0)’
oh, my….r u begging for ur life?
I kno im being total wicked evil right now…but….
(the baby still looking at me)
OK OK! fine, then…I’ll take care of you...(^-^)/
since I juz destroy ur house…u’ll be staying in ere (a tiny paper box I juz made)
did u juz poo poo?! (>0<)O
my my…look at all d mess u make at my notes..><
man! cleaning time!
washing away the poo poo is damn hard coz the baby is juz as big as a beads of rice…
but I did it!
yay! ur clean now…! q(^0^)p
now2…u look thirsty…hmmm (how to giv this 1x1cm baby insect a drink?)
haaa! light bulb!! IDEA!
so, I snap one tissue from my latest edition klenex smart skin collection box and dip it in my glass filled wit ribena…( I tink I remember I heard sumwhere from national geographic I guess…insect eats sap cells which is sort of like a sweet water…I tink ribena is fine…huhu…im so geniuss!!!) (-0^)d
I press the tissue towards the baby insect’s errr…mouth (trying hard to focus at the mouth..straining my eyes as hard as possible)
one buble of ribena land on its mouth and …nyum nyum nyum….the ribena’s gone!!!
omg!! the insect juz drink ribena…so cuteeee~~~
AHA! I cal u ribena, then….! nickname…ena! (hurm wait2…sounded like ‘ina’…tuka2)
ibe?(er, reminds me of cenfos)…HA! I call u BENA!….(>0<)v
so, i left her at the window…let her sleep coz baby needs a lot of sleepin hour…(-0-)l
that night….
‘swoooshhh swoooshhh….’
mira’s-imaginary-narrator: ‘one can never survive without the mother…!!!’
me: I have failed!…im a sinner!!! Im not qualified to be a mother!! <(>0<)>
at that moment…I look outside through my locked window and I saw the mother was flying around searching for her baby…but wat was left was brittles of sands…
and at that moment I realize tht I juz did sumthing I wsnt spose to
I am such a sinner…
forgive me, Lord!!!
I turn my head back to my untouched bcm notes…filled wit guilt….
i said to myself…’I will never kill a bug ever! im so sorry…(T-T)
-the END-
huh?!?!?!!? asal bena looks like...a yellow bean food? u said 1x1 cm? nie mcm....HUH??? is it an ant? it looks like a yellow bean -ina-
it IS an ant...the baby...
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